Giants Who Came Before

April 1-3, 2022


Lila Burmeister

5/24/20223 min read

After a disappointing postponed fall Mini-Stevne due to COVID, plans went smoothly for Telelaget’s spring Mini-Stevne on April 1, 2 & 3,2022. Spring Grove graciously hosted our lag events in three different downtown buildings. Our favorite was, of course, the “Giants of the Earth Heritage Center” which was recently remodeled, especially with a convenient elevator. Once a historic hotel, this three-story center in downtown Spring Grove is the perfect setting for a Norwegian stevne. Telelaget’s over forty registrants from several areas of the US – Texas, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Iowa, and wide-spread locations in Minnesota - thoroughly enjoyed the friendly atmosphere. (These were actual words written by evaluations of the stevne). The convenience of having registration, genealogy research, dining, and all programs within a half-block of each other should not go unmentioned.

The stevne opened at the Spring Grove Theater with a Revy – yes, a Norwegian variety show! Entertainers dressed in their best, a few in their bunader (national costumes) shared their talents. Jeff Huset, Telelaget President, was our MC announcing with enthusiasm the varied talents: traditional Telemark songs and dances, dramatic readings, flute solos, Grieg piano duet, and classical vocal selections by Rachel Storlie and the Luren Singers sang traditional Norwegian songs. The Revy ended with a fun-filled sing-along. We appreciated the time and dedication these people took to honor us with their talents.

Following the Revy, a tasty dinner was served in the hall of the “Giants of the Earth.” The atmosphere with wall murals, painted by Sigmund Aarseth, depicted emigration from Norway, settlement activity in rural Minnesota, and bunader from various Norwegian locations. These murals enhanced the historic enrichment of the center. Tables were tastefully decorated with red, white and blue flowers in Telelag mugs and the Norwegian and American flags. These became “door prizes” after the Saturday evening dinner. There was a settlement mural and an immigration mural painted by Sigmund Aarseth from Valdres, Norway Before the meal, Bill Fried, director at the center, entertained us with stories about the development of this Norwegian Heritage Center and shared what the center was exhibiting at the time.

All meals for the stevne were catered by local restaurants in Spring Grove and Caledonia, and, of course, included the well-known Spring Grove pop as well as locally- baked Amish fruit pies supplied by the Miller Sisters. No one went away hungry and few lacking smiles!

At our Saturday evening dinner, we had a bunad parade in the dining hall. Women told about their bunader and did a fashion “runway” between the dining tables.

We enjoyed the wisdom imparted by local speakers:

- Dr. Johnathan Storlie presented an overview of the science of DNA testing and its applications to genealogy

- Bill Fried spoke for Lee Grippen (who was unable to attend) about Lee’s award of the King of Norway’s medal for his many years of hosting Norwegian boys in an exchange program

- Bill Fried also spoke of early Norwegian settlers and the Native American tribes who lived in the area

- Jim Skree, who wrote a section of the newly released West Telemark Museum book “Red River Girl,” gave us a lively glimpse into the beautiful art of Orabel Thortvedt as well as her insights into the lives of her pioneer family in Houston County and the Red River Valley after the family emigrated from Fyresdal, Telemark.

- Jim also prepared a detailed map for Stevne attendees to explore the area Orabel illustrated and wrote about.

Of course, our registration-genealogy room was open for attendees to research and find dates, stories and maps pertaining to their family’s history in Telemark. We were hosted by Spring Grove Communications. Darrel Johnson was present to answer questions aboutTelelaget’s resources. Each attendee was able to learn more about the stories behind the flags of their ancestral home areas.

On Sunday, several Telelag members shared their talents of music and reading scripture at the Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in neighboring town, Houston. A beautiful hymn composed and written by Rev. Rolf Fjelstad, the Telemark great-grandfather of Sandy Gilbert (Vice President of Telelagat ), was chosen as one of the congregational hymns during the service. The pastor, Jeff Forbes, shared that he also has ancestry from Telemark.

As we returned to Spring Grove a few members stopped at the historic Houston Stone Church, They searched for ancestors in the cemetery and had their questions answered by Jim Skree. On our return to Spring Grove, we were overjoyed to hear the wonderful voices of the men’s choir, Luren Singers, at Trinity Lutheran Church in the early afternoon. Their concert featured several Norwegian songs and arrangements. What a treat!

We had so much fun getting to know our fellow Telers during the stevne that we are eager to plan and hold our next get-together. We would love to have your help and ideas. See you soon!