Kragerø Kommune

Pop. 10,620; Area 289 sq. km. (111 sq. mi.)

Kragerø lies in the extreme southwestern corner of Telemark and includes the formerly independent towns of Sannidal, Skåtøy and Kragerø. The area was settled about 1666 and was at that time ordered to supply a galley with 5 guns to the king. This is memorialized in the kommune's coat of arms. The town of Kragerø is its administrative center.

In the districts of Andølingen and Øya old houses cling to the hillsides. It is a center of industry, commerce, farming, shipping, and fishing, and in the summer a popular vacation area. Several famous artists have worked here. Edvard Munch painted his renowned decorations for the Auditorium of the University of Oslo in Kragerø. Theodor Kittilsen, Norway's foremost painter of trolls and elves, was born here and has painted both the surrounding countryside and its fairy-tale "inhabitants." Vacation areas include Portørland and Stabbestad.

A ferry from Kragerø will take you to the island of Jomfruland, a long narrow island about 10 miles long. According to legend, the island got its name because nuns from the medieval convent in Skien spent their summers here. The smaller of its two lighthouses is older and now serves as a museum.

Sights to See

Storkollen (hill) is 145 meters above sea level and affords an excellent view of the coastal inlets and the mainland.

Berg Kragerø Museum lies about 4 km from the town in a lovely park overlooking the Helle Fjord. The former manor house built in 1800 houses collections from the 17th and 18th centuries. A new building emphasizes the maritime history of Kragerø.

Gunnarsholm is an old fort dominating the main approach to the inner harbor of Kragerø. It dates from before the Napoleonic War (1808-1814). Sannidal District Museum consists of 6 buildings furnished and equipped with period furniture, household items, and farm equipment.

Sannidal Church is a cruciform building built in 1771. The christening font is from the 13th century. There is a memorial to the sailors who lost their lives in World War II.

Bygdebok for Kragerø
  • Byen og de bugnende seil. Årsskrift 1978- . Red. Øyvind Evensen m. fl. Utg. Krager¢ og Skåt¢y historielag.

  • Finstad, Håkon. Kragerø før og etter brannen. Årsskrift 1978- . Utg. Kragerø og Skåt¢y historielag.

  • Steffens, Haagen Krog. Kragerø bygdes historie 1666-1916.

  • Jubilæumsskrift. Kragerø: Grøndahl & umsskrift. Kragerø: Grøndahl & Sons Boktrykkeri, 1916.