Strength in Unity

July 14-17 2011


11/24/20112 min read

Fargo, North Dakota

"Strength in Unity" was the theme for the 7-Lag Stevne held at the Best Western- Doublewood Inn in Fargo ND from July 14 through the 17th.

Thanks to our friends from Sigdalslag for hosting a very successful, well-attended 2011 7-Lag Stevne held at the Best Western Doublewood Inn and Conference Center in Fargo, North Dakota on July 14-17. Over 500 people, including 125 Norwegians from the Sigdal area, attended. Next to Sigdalslaget, Telelaget had the most members registered with 68. Other lag participating in the stevne were from Land, Hadeland, Numedal, Ringerike- Drammen, and Toten.

My presentation on Dr. Norman Borlaug, Nobel Laureate of Telemark descent was the opening presentation of the stevne. Five Telelaget members participated in the annual bunad parade held at the Saturday Night banquet at which Dr. Art Lee, retired history professor, was the featured speaker.

In addition to the regular programs and meetings, tours to Hjemkomst Center in nearby Moorhead; the Ottertail County Historical Museum in Fergus Falls, MN; and Bonanzaville in West Fargo, ND were available for attendees. Telelaget’s annual meeting was held at 7:30 AM on Sunday, July 17 at the Doublewood Inn and Conference Center. Three members were re-elected to the Board. Elaine Nordlie gave an overview of the recently- released Telemark to America, Volume III. As tour director, she also discussed current plans and welcomed comments and questions on the 2012 Telemark Tour. Annual meeting minutes are available via the Internet from Shirley Viessleman, Secretary. Following the business meeting, Sasha Aslanian, a reporter and producer for Minnesota Public Radio, made a presentation on her bicycle ride across Norway, from Finnoy to Heddal in Telemark. She and her husband had traced her grandparents’ bicycle ride taken during World War II.

After the annual meeting about 25 members drove to the Concordia Lutheran Church north of Glyndon, MN, located in the Buffalo River Settlement—home to many Telemark immigrants. Members participated in a worship service, in which the liturgy was presented in Norwegian; a service of remembrance conducted by Rev. Bruce Krogstad at the gravesite of Rev. Bendik Bondahl, a founder and the first president of Telelaget; and a dinner prepared by the members of the congregation. We are grateful to our webmaster and former Buffalo River resident, Anne Sladky, for organizing the event.