Contributions and Collaborations

Telelaget's unique combination of historical reference material, cultural traditions, Norwegian liaisons, bilingual resources, and member collaboration continues to reveal stories that help members discover more about their family's immigrant saga. This page is the home of some of the larger Teler heritage projects. Countless more are found in the pages of our Telesoga.

Family Websites and Written Histories

Family websites and history books, regardless of age, can be valuable when filling the gaps in your family tree. Research projects, Facebook pages, and family trees can help connect the dots in your genealogy project.

Member Websites

Flentje and Daly Genealogy -(Hjartdal)

Tarje Grover Family Website - (Fyresdal, Houston and Clay County MN)

Heglands on the Web -(Tokke, Filmore County MN)

Kallem/Thompson Family Tree 

Tollef Lindem Tollefson (Nome, Union SD)

Tveit Family Facebook Page (Nissedal, Lake Mills IA)

Norwegians in the Civil War

Written Histories

Our Scandinavian Ancestry by Lowell Lykken (Sauherad)-PDF Download

They Came From Kviteseid by Val Hvitston and Dordi Round-PDF Download

A bearded man, his wife, three daughters and one son in traditional dress circa 1890s
A bearded man, his wife, three daughters and one son in traditional dress circa 1890s

Coming Home Project

Since Telelaget of America’s 100th anniversary in 2007, members have been submitting information about their emigrant ancestors to be added to our database. Over the years, we have found this to be a fantastic searchable resource for sharing and connecting with distant family here and in Norway.

The Emigrant Database is newly expanded and updated, and it is now easier than ever to submit your ancestor information for inclusion.

Coming Soon

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